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Showing posts from 1985


Affton Alumni Theatre presents a world premiere Book, Music, and Lyrics by Scott Miller based on an actual court case, Island Trees School District v. Pico July 26-27, 1985 Affton Senior High School Theatre, St. Louis Purchase the script  here . Purchase the vocal selections  here . SYNOPSIS Based on one of the most important book banning cases in U.S. history, The Line explores the personal conflicts and powder keg emotions behind a simple act that snowballed into a U.S. Supreme Court case, Island Trees School District v. Pico. A small group of parents in a quiet suburban town break into their kids' high school library one night to remove "objectionable" books they've found on a list from a national conservative parents group. When their kids find out, the town is soon split in two – and so are some of the families – and the kids end up taking their parents and their school district all the way to the Supreme Court. THE CAST Max – Ann Pierce Kevin Strat