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New Line Theatre presents a world premiere Book, Music, and Lyrics by Scott Miller July 17-18, 1992 Center of Contemporary Arts, St. Louis Purchase the script  here . Purchase the vocal selections here . SYNOPSIS Attempting the Absurd is one of the first truly postmodern meta-musicals (written 1986-1992, debuted 1992), about a young man named Jason who has figured out that he's only a character in a musical and doesn’t actually exist; and his special knowledge has persuaded those around him that he's off his nut. After he loses his girlfriend, he sets off on a quest to find The Answers To It All, along with his musical comedy sidekick, Chaz. Along the way the two find love (both gay and straight), community theatre friends, a little jail time, and ultimately irrefutable proof that Jason is right after all. Love and a copy of the script to Attempting the Absurd conquer all, and all ends as it should, with a happy, full company reprise. THE CAST Darcy Bowles – Jenn...